Lee Tung Street (利東街)

Lee Tung Street is known as the Wedding Card Street and is located at Wan Chai.
Whenever people merry, they will buy the Wedding Card from Lee Tung Street and share their happiness to others. As time goes by, Lee Tung Street becomes the repesentative of marriage and blissful. |
Unluckily, Lee Tung Street has been involved in a project executed by the Urban Renewal Authority (URA), and was torn down in December 2007. The demolition is seen by many as an irretrievable detriment to the cultural heritage of Hong Kong.
People united and stood up for their cultural herritage, the power of unite not only comes from their sense of belonging to the street, but also to Hong Kong.
Regarding the protest, the government decided to rebuild the street with a
theme of marrige. Museumwill be built as to tell the history of the street.